I’m such a sappy romantic.

Wartime goodbyes always get me.

Confession: I am such a sap and a romantic. The biggest. I love all that cheesy stuff.

Which is why when I found The 50 Most Romantic Things That Ever Happened, I basically melted. Like an ice cube on a hot summer day.

Going through those photos, I almost cried (especially number 5). Some of the moments captured are so raw that you can’t help believe in love, even if you’re a cynic. It’s amazing.

But then again, I’m the world’s biggest sap and cornball. I love that stuff.

Confessions of an over packer

Sorry it’s been so long since my last post–you must be devastated, I’m sure–but my hiatus is justified. The past few days I’ve been moving everything back up to Cornell for spring semester. Settling in has been a process, mostly because I have inordinate amounts of shit. That I don’t really need, but I think I must have in order to be happy.

I think I have some kind of condition or something. No matter what the occasion–a weekend trip or a month-long winter break–I always bring ENTIRELY too much with me. In the words of my mother, “Samantha, you do NOT need to bring this much shit!” But you know what? I do. For some reason, I do. I need to bring every pair of jeans with me. I need 9 of the same color t shirt. I need to bring my bathing suit, even though it’s the middle of January. I need to have options.

Not only that, but I need to bring other shit too. Books that I won’t read. Candles that I won’t light. Pictures I’ll never hang or put in frames. Little knick knack boxes that I’ll never put anything in. SERIOUSLY, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. Is there a 12 step program for this?

To show just how bad of shape I’m in, I took pictures of my car after I was packed. Thank god I didn’t have to bring any friends up with me…

No room for anyone there...

No room for anyone there…

Please keep in mind that this is my ENTIRE back seat...

Please keep in mind that this is my ENTIRE back seat…

Do I really need all this stuff? Yes, yes I do.

Do I really need all this stuff? Yes, yes I do.